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Northern Tasmanian Masters Athletics

Northern Tasmanian Masters Athletics

Northern Masters Athletics is founded upon the principle that physical activity can and should be extended throughout life. Our aim is to provide opportunities to share the enjoyment of athletic activities at a level appropriate to the age and ability of each individual, within a healthy social environment. Masters athletics offers fitness, fun and fellowship across a range of athletic activities for men and women aged 30 and over. Our club boasts a membership of around 200 people from across the state. Everyone from beginner to elite is catered for and welcome. The philosophy of the Masters movement is participation. Come along and enjoy yourself in running, walking, throwing and jumping. While membership is restricted to those over 30, children or grandchildren of members are most welcome to participate with us. Only members are eligible for Championships however. INFO: Barbara Clayton, Ph: 0408 238 329 (M) Email:

Group Activity


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